ChangeHistory Endpoints

This document explains the methods you may use to work with the ChangeHistory endpoints in the Federated Authority Document database.

Getting ChangeHistory

Quick-start Knowledge

  • The full JSON-LD ChangeHistory object is defined at

  • Getting a list of AuditData objects from the Federated Authority Document Database is accomplished by querying the endpoint using a REST GET. Optional parameters may be provided to filter and paginate the result.

ChangeHistory List GET

  • Getting a list of ChangeHistory object from the Federated Authority Document Database is accomplished by querying the endpoint using a REST GET with no optional parameters.

  • Provides a list of all ChangeHistory objects.

  • Pagination is provided for the list where count is the total quantity of objects in the data-set, limit is how many objects are returned in the current list, and offset is the first object in the set from that offset point. This is configurable in the request, but the default is a limit of 50 objects starting from offset 0.

In the below example, with a limit of 2, page 1 starts from offset 0 with two values (limit). Page 2 starts from offset= 2. Page 3 from offset= 4, etc. There would be 5 pages to display the data - two objects at a time. This is illustrative only, and the actual local pages will depend on your limit and count.

    "Pagination": [
            "@context": "",
            "@type": "Pagination",
            "count": 44,
            "limit": 2,
            "offset": 0
    "@set": [
            "@context": "",
            "@type": "ChangeHistory",
            "id": 73,
            "endpoint": "Person",
            "object_id": 30824,
            "person_fk": 30824,
            "organization_fk": null,
            "team_fk": null,
            "type": "POST",
            "provider_data": {
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                "x-requester-person": "0",
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                "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
                "x-mashape-version": "1.2.7",
                "x-rapidapi-version": "1.2.7",
                "x-mashape-user": "unified-compliance-unified-compliance-default",
                "x-mashape-subscription": "CUSTOM-PowerUser",
                "x-rapidapi-user": "unified-compliance-unified-compliance-default",
                "x-rapidapi-subscription": "CUSTOM-PowerUser"
            "previous_object": null,
            "current_object": {
                "@context": "",
                "@type": "Person",
                "PhoneNumbers": {
                    "@type": "PhoneNumbers",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "PhoneNumber",
                            "id": null,
                            "phone_number": null,
                            "person_fk": null,
                            "organization_fk": null,
                            "local_reference_id": null,
                            "primary": null
                "PersonRoles": {
                    "@type": "PersonRoles",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "PersonRole",
                            "name": null,
                            "id": null,
                            "role_fk": null,
                            "person_fk": null,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "PostalAddresses": {
                    "@type": "PostalAddresses",
                    "@set": [
                            "primary": null,
                            "@type": "PostalAddress",
                            "address1": null,
                            "address2": null,
                            "city": null,
                            "postal_code": null,
                            "country": null,
                            "id": null,
                            "country_code": null,
                            "person_fk": null,
                            "organization_fk": null,
                            "state_territory_province": null,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "SocialAddresses": {
                    "@type": "SocialAddresses",
                    "twitter": null,
                    "facebook": null,
                    "linkedin": null,
                    "youtube": null
                "CoreMetaData": {
                    "@type": "CoreMetaData",
                    "date_created": "2021-02-01",
                    "date_modified": "2021-02-01",
                    "created_audit_id": null,
                    "modified_audit_id": null,
                    "live_status": null,
                    "checksum": 0,
                    "validated": 0
                "PersonMemberships": {
                    "@type": "PersonMemberships",
                    "PersonOrganizations": {
                        "@type": "PersonOrganizations",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonOrganization",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "organization_fk": null
                    "PersonGroups": {
                        "@type": "PersonGroups",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonGroup",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "group_fk": null
                    "PersonInitiatives": {
                        "@type": "PersonInitiatives",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonInitiative",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "initiative": null
                    "PersonTeams": {
                        "@type": "PersonTeams",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonTeam",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "team_fk": null
                "Emails": {
                    "@type": "Emails",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "Email",
                            "id": 500,
                            "email": "",
                            "person_fk": 30824,
                            "organization_fk": null,
                            "primary": 1,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "Names": {
                    "@type": "Names",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "Name",
                            "id": 649,
                            "first_name": "James",
                            "last_name": "Doolitle",
                            "name_prefix_fk": 21,
                            "name_suffix_fk": 19,
                            "person_fk": 30824,
                            "middle_initial": "T",
                            "primary": 1,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "email": "",
                "fullname": "Dr. James T Doolitle Esquire",
                "id": 30824
            "timestamp": "2021-02-01T14:18:40.000Z"
            "@context": "",
            "@type": "AuditData",
            "id": 74,
            "endpoint": "Person",
            "object_id": 30825,
            "person_fk": 38,
            "organization_fk": null,
            "team_fk": null,
            "type": "POST",
            "provider_data": {
                "x-real-ip": "",
                "x-forwarded-for": ",",
                "host": "",
                "connection": "close",
                "content-length": "423",
                "accept": "*/*",
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                "postman-token": "f48c5aae-b058-4564-8760-a95bc9229567",
                "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.26.8",
                "x-requester-person": "38",
                "x-forwarded-port": "443",
                "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
                "x-mashape-version": "1.2.7",
                "x-rapidapi-version": "1.2.7",
                "x-mashape-user": "unified-compliance-unified-compliance-default",
                "x-mashape-subscription": "CUSTOM-PowerUser",
                "x-rapidapi-user": "unified-compliance-unified-compliance-default",
                "x-rapidapi-subscription": "CUSTOM-PowerUser"
            "previous_object": null,
            "current_object": {
                "@context": "",
                "@type": "Person",
                "PhoneNumbers": {
                    "@type": "PhoneNumbers",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "PhoneNumber",
                            "id": null,
                            "phone_number": null,
                            "person_fk": null,
                            "organization_fk": null,
                            "local_reference_id": null,
                            "primary": null
                "PersonRoles": {
                    "@type": "PersonRoles",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "PersonRole",
                            "name": null,
                            "id": null,
                            "role_fk": null,
                            "person_fk": null,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "PostalAddresses": {
                    "@type": "PostalAddresses",
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                            "primary": null,
                            "@type": "PostalAddress",
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                            "address2": null,
                            "city": null,
                            "postal_code": null,
                            "country": null,
                            "id": null,
                            "country_code": null,
                            "person_fk": null,
                            "organization_fk": null,
                            "state_territory_province": null,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "SocialAddresses": {
                    "@type": "SocialAddresses",
                    "twitter": null,
                    "facebook": null,
                    "linkedin": null,
                    "youtube": null
                "CoreMetaData": {
                    "@type": "CoreMetaData",
                    "date_created": "2021-02-02",
                    "date_modified": "2021-02-02",
                    "created_audit_id": null,
                    "modified_audit_id": null,
                    "live_status": null,
                    "checksum": 0,
                    "validated": 0
                "PersonMemberships": {
                    "@type": "PersonMemberships",
                    "PersonOrganizations": {
                        "@type": "PersonOrganizations",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonOrganization",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "organization_fk": null
                    "PersonGroups": {
                        "@type": "PersonGroups",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonGroup",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "group_fk": null
                    "PersonInitiatives": {
                        "@type": "PersonInitiatives",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonInitiative",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "initiative": null
                    "PersonTeams": {
                        "@type": "PersonTeams",
                        "@set": [
                                "@type": "PersonTeam",
                                "name": null,
                                "id": null,
                                "person_fk": null,
                                "team_fk": null
                "Emails": {
                    "@type": "Emails",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "Email",
                            "id": 501,
                            "email": "",
                            "person_fk": 30825,
                            "organization_fk": null,
                            "primary": 1,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "Names": {
                    "@type": "Names",
                    "@set": [
                            "@type": "Name",
                            "id": 650,
                            "first_name": "John",
                            "last_name": "Smith",
                            "name_prefix_fk": null,
                            "name_suffix_fk": null,
                            "person_fk": 30825,
                            "middle_initial": null,
                            "primary": 1,
                            "local_reference_id": null
                "email": "",
                "fullname": "John Smith",
                "id": 30825
            "timestamp": "2021-02-02T14:21:07.000Z"

ChangeHistory List GET (filtered)

  • Getting a filtered list of ChangeHistory objects from the Federated Authority Document Database is accomplished by querying the endpoint using a REST GET with url parameters.

  • These are the parameters you can optionally supply to the filter. These fields work as a logical AND.




Filters by object_id. (both creation and changes)


Filters by the person id. (both creation and changes)


Filters by the organiation id. (Future Use)


Filters by the team id. (Future Use)


Filters by the type of the modification. (e.g. POST, PATCH)


Filters by the API endpoint. (e.g. Person, Organization)


Searches across all searchable fields.


0 = descending, 1 = ascending


Combined with offset, provides pagination by limiting results.


Combined with limit, provides pagination by shifting the first record.

ChangeHistory GET (by ID)

  • Getting a single ChangeHistory object from the Federated Authority Document Database is accomplished by querying the endpoint using a REST GET.

Last updated

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